Annual Dues

Worthy Knights of Columbus,

Father Reedy Council 4941 Pecatonica Durand needs your support.
The annual membership renewals are now due for the year 2024.

Regular memberships are $35 dollars plus a $3 dollar assessment from
the Supreme Office for the Culture of Life Fund, for a total of $38.00.

After 25 years of K of C membership, and attained age of 65, “Honorary Life
Member” dues are reduced to $10 dollars plus a $3 dollar assessment from
the Supreme Office for the Culture of Life Fund, for a total of $13.00.

After 25 years of K of C membership, and attaining the age of 70, members are considered “Life Members”. With this milestone, all dues are waived except for the $3 dollar assessment from the Supreme Office for the Culture of Life Fund, for a total of $3.00.

Remember your dues go to support the ongoing operation of your council and our local fundraising and charitable activities. Please pay the amount due by sending a check payable to,
Father Reedy 4941, 2858 Betty Lane, Winnebago Illinois  61088

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 815-519-6421.
Thank you for your continued support of the Knights of Columbus.

Bill Freiburger
Grand Knight
Father Reedy 4941